EVO Cycling Tips

Purchase your bike from a trusted bike store

It will ensure the bike is fitted and set up correctly plus pre-checked to provide endless fun!

Find the right size bike

Getting the bike which is the right fit is crucial to your safety. Bikes that are too large, can prevent you from touching the ground and hands from reaching the hand brakes. Bikes that are too small, on the other hand, force you to pedal awkwardly!

Use your head – wear a helmet

Riding a bike is fun for all ages, but as with anything, safety must always come first.

You must ALWAYS wear your helmet when riding, so practice putting it on and taking it off. Your helmet must fit properly and comfortably. You don’t want it too small or too big. The helmet straps must be tight. A good test is putting two fingers above the eyebrows. The top of the helmet should be touching the top finger. Check this every time you ride. There are many different types of helmets out there and they can fit quite differently. The friendly staff at your local Evo Cycles store will be able to help you find the right helmet for you and ensure a perfect fit for you.

Don’t forget your gear

Take a water bottle and make sure you wear sunscreen. Don’t overload yourself with heavy items that could affect your balance.

Pace yourself

Don’t start off your ride too fast or you will tire yourself. Try to keep a consistent pace throughout.

Be careful

Always follow the road rules and keep to the left-hand side of the road. If possible, practice at your local park or a cycle trail. If you need to practice on the road, try to find somewhere where there is not a lot of traffic. Keep an eye on the road ahead of you and watch out for other cyclists and road users.

Get your bike checked

Your bike needs to be kept in good condition. If you are entering the TRYathlon it’s a good idea (and we strongly recommend) you get your bike and helmet checked prior to the event. The friendly staff at your local Evo Cycles will be able to check your bike and helmet. Make sure you get your check up a couple weeks before the event in case anything needs to be replaced or fixed.